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Brisbane 4007

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Albion Appliance Service
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its time to remember the hardest working member of our household. our fridge

Try to limit the number of times and the actual amount of time the fridge is open. Although fridges have advanced in some ways, when you open the fridge or freezer door, it feels …lovely and cool. So all that nice food cooling air inside is now in the kitchen, and a whole lot of warm air just filled up the fridge. That’s no good for the food inside which is supposed to be cold. And its no good for the fan which is conducting the cold air from the freezer, and its no good for the compressor which is the heart and soul of your fridge; it has to keep powering up and starting again. If these components have to keep powering up over and over, it shortens their lives. You’ll need a new fan if the fan goes… but you’ll need a new fridge if the compressor fails.

And by the way, if a fly flies OUT of your fridge .. its too warm in there

Could not find a banana for size comparison so here is a fly.

108 Nudgee Rd
Brisbane 4007

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