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Move over Bradley Cooper, Albion Appliances’ very own Andy features in Trade Science on Channel 11


aaaand …..


In July 2018 we were pleased to provide the technical and acting skills of Andy our refrigeration technician for a segment filmed for ‘SCOPE’ entitled ‘Trade Science’ on Channel 11.

SCOPE is a children’s science show, aimed at explaining in straightforward language various extraordinary processes.

In the segment, Andy explains the science behind refrigeration. We understand the segment will be only part of one program, possibly 10-15 minutes, but to do the filming took four hours. Luckily it was July as he was required to wear his antarctic gear.

Check it out, on Sunday 10th February 2019, 10:00am on Eleven. If you can’t catch it Sunday, go to http://tenplay.com.au/channel-eleven/scope

108 Nudgee Rd
Brisbane 4007

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